So I've been doing this crazy 'running' thing for a week. A whole week. That's a long time... in ant years.
The weird thing is, I'm loving it. I was really enjoying the run today. I'm up to 3 minutes run, 1 minute walk, and I am eating this stuff up! My legs aren't tired or sore right now, and I find I end the night with a rousing 36 crunches and other stretches.
Today's run took me down a slightly different path. I was running along the river, a flattened path of snow. It was a good run, but I was glad to be wearing my red jacket; the path was pretty dark, and I felt a bit nervous seeing other people on the path - who are they? What if they're muggers, looking for a naïve jogger like myself to harm? What if I slip and fall and knock myself out? What if, what if, what if.
Anyways, apart from my fears, I'm doing fine. By the end of the week, this will be a breeze, and I'll be ready for the next challenge.
I'm slowly trying to modify my diet, too. Tonight was baked chicken, boiled baby potatoes with a sprinkle of salt, and veggies. No butter, no oils (though oils are healthy!), nothing naughty. Hopefully this will make up for my morning breakfast of a fried egg-and-cheese sandwich (on brown toast, no butter!) and coffee.
Gear-wise, I'm happy with everything but the heart-rate monitor. In the sad case of this one, simple means stupid. I can't switch from the monitor back to the timer, there's no discernible stopwatch, and I highly doubt there's any nightlight that I can operate without screwing something up. I challenge Polar to make it better!
The weather is supposed to be going up this week, which has me all a-squee. I won't have to wear long-johns under my pants! Which reminds me of my next topic - layering is everything, and you can run in -20C weather if you're dressed right.
If I can, anyone can!
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