I forgot to write about yesterday's run, but there's not much to write on. It was the end of the run 3 minutes/walk 1 minute x 5, and I didn't really enjoy it. The weather was a whoppin' 3C ABOVE zero, so I dressed a lot lighter - in fact, too lightly. One skin layer and a top is not enough for that.
Today, however, began the 4/1x4, and I loved it. There were a few times that I looked at my watch and was surprised to see I still had a minute of running left, but it didn't hurt to keep going. The sidewalks were relatively bare, due to the high temperature, the breeze was quiet, and the air with just a touch of chill. I had a skin layer, shirt, and long-sleeve top.
None of my joints hurt either. Sometimes a knee aches for a few strides, but it goes away. Once in a while, one calf will pull a bit, or the achilles, but I haven't had to stop and make it better. Sometimes, I feel the inside of my patella (the knee cap) aching, but I should warm up better.
The only cause for concern is my breathing right now. It's fine through out the run, even on bad runs, but I'm wheezing a bit now. Maybe I'll take P's advice and see a doctor about asthma. I really don't want to have it diagnosed.
Don't get me wrong - asthma can't stop me from doing anything I want to do. My sister has had asthma all her life, and she's a national gold medalist in boxing. But at the same time, I know how much of a pain in the ass and the lungs asthma can be, having to remember keyswalletcellphonepuffer makes it one item more to forget at home one day.
All in all, though, I'm pretty lucky. And as long as I can run, it'll be okay.
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