Sorry, U2.
Looking back at my post last week, I have decided that Sundays are the days of piercing wind and uncomfortable cold.
On Wednesday, I partook in my first Wednesday running group run. It was nice to see a lot of familiar faces. I had thought to bring my iPod for the run, but I soon realized a good reason not to - chatting with other runners makes the time pass way more quickly than listening to music.
Yesterday was a 4.47k to the Pretoria bridge and back. Though my legs felt slightly lead-like, I still made reasonable time. It was a bright, shining day, an example of Days that are Good to Run On. We were supposed to have a Yoga For Runners class after, but the instructor was unable to make it. I hear that she's well-known in Ottawa, though, so perhaps I'll be able to find her via web-search.
Today, we did 5.5k (close enough to 6) around the Canal, in a slightly different route. I stayed with my new friend, Lorna, and we chatted to pass the time. Much better than having my iPod hooked up to my ear. The weather was pretty crummy though. A slight mist of rain, piercing, cold wind, and not a sunbeam in sight! Since I'd stripped down a lot from yesterday's run (four layers down to three - I should have kept the long-sleeve), I really wanted that sunbeam!
I had gone to catch the bus when I saw it zoom past me. Curses! I certainly wasn't going to wait 30 minutes outside for the next bus! I walked back inside to where a group of women were waiting for the Home and Garden show, and a very kind woman offered to drive me home. She even bought me a coffee!
Runners are really nice people!
In other news, I weighed myself for the first time since I started this crazy journey, and I discovered that, in 3 months, I have lost ten pounds, without even putting a lot of effort into diet. I mean, I'm trying to eat smarter, with more fish and less fried foods, but there's not a lot of change otherwise. Except the spinach. I crave the spinach.
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