Among the many feats in life, you have good days and bad days. Sunny skies and rainy clouds. Good moods and bad moods. Tall horses, short horses. Good films, and MST3K-worthy fil... okay, getting off track.
Anyways, yesterday was a mix of great weather, sunny skies, beautiful breeze, and a bad, miserable run.
It started out with realizing I'd forgotten a hair elastic. If one doesn't run because she forgot a hair elastic, she's looking for any excuse anyway. I borrowed an elastic from work, and bound up my hair, but realized that the elastic was going to give me a headache.
But maybe a nice run in the beautiful weather would get rid of that headache. I headed out, only to realize that the sun glaring into my un-sunglassed eyes only contributed to the headache. Well, I figured, I'll get it done and over with and that'll be that for the day.
And then 10 minutes in, I got the dreaded I Need A Bathroom (INAB). One of those INABs where you can't run, because you'll need a bathroom and a fresh change of clothes much faster.
At that point, the INAB was taking my mind off the headache a little, but I had to head back at a shuffling jog-walk pace. I did find a kindly restaurant that I'll have to go back to to buy food and thank them that had a bathroom.
On the other hand, the post-run shower felt great.
And then I had a headache for the rest of the day.
In other news, Ragnar has been voluntold for the Calgary Marathon at the end of the month! Very exciting! Since I'll be down there anyway, I figured I'd sign up for the 10k, and meet up with some Maniacs. Now it might be that my friend can come down, though she's holding off registering until Ragnar's admin staff get their collective acts together and figure out how he's getting down there, and where he's staying.
I'm also cheering support for Ragnar's buddy whose wife can't be there.
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