Given last week's lonely run, I got wise and went in to the Running Room to find out where the half-marathon group would be running from. It's a good thing, too, because they were running from a mildly obscure area in the River Valley, and starting an hour earlier.
Waking up at 6 a.m., I really did consider just running on my own, and stealing the extra sleeptime. However, I really didn't want to do the whole run on my own again, so I got up, ate my bowl of Cheerios and a slice of toast with peanut butter, and drove down to the starting site.
I started out rather slow, to maintain pace with someone who hadn't run since the 12k weekend. During the first 5km, we went down roads, into ravines, and down gravel hills that I dreaded coming back up. I kept up the chatter, as my running companion seemed to find my patter absolutely interesting - or she couldn't catch enough breath to interrupt me.
Right around 5km, my running buddy decided to head back, and conveniently, there was a bathroom stop just around the corner. Even more conveniently, the city employee had just arrived to open the locks on it. However, despite the five adoring women thanking him profusely, he did not seem terribly amused. I hope he remembers us fondly, because we sure will.
Anyways, continuing on, through the swelling hill-ettes and along the paths, we made it to 9km, and paused long enough to wait for everyone to catch up. By that point, I was extremely glad we'd started early, because despite the trees and the River Valley, the sun was hot and the mercury was rising. It was, of course, at that point that the rest of us discovered that the lead-pack had gotten lost twice. Whoopsie! However, we were close enough to downtown that I would have been able to find my way home (or at least given Ragnar enough direction to pick me up).
We headed back, and I was quite pleased that, not only were my knees reacting ... reasonably well, and my hip wasn't paining me nearly as much as last week. During the run back, it was time for more runners and bikers to be out, and I saw an example of bad road courtesy: a road biker was heading towards us, and shoved a walker out of the way, to the ground (though whether there was actual contact, I didn't see). He then took a moment to look back, but continued on his way. Mitigating circumstance: the walking group was not sharing the road either, and looked like they could be working off last night's hangover. Bad karma all 'round.
We stayed to the path on our way back, and I was not taking as many GU energy gels as I had expected. Speaking of GU, their Chocolate Outrage and Peanut Butter gels are pretty tasty. I just know I can't be the only person to think there needs to be a Chocolatey Peanut Butter Explosion.
Anyways, it was during the last 3.5km that I started really watching my watch. We were still going up and down hills, and my knees were letting me know about it. And just as we got to the end... Stairs. The dreaded River Valley Stairs loomed before me. The last time I had seen these stairs, I'd nearly puked, and I hate puking. But I did them, and found that, despite having elapsed nearly 17km already, I did the stairs with relative ease - my lunchtime runs in the Valley, doing similar stairs, had trained me well.
We were pretty close to the end, and I managed to burn some extra by finishing fast and strong. I like doing that. It makes me feel like it's a piece of cake, and the last 18km was de rigeur.
Post-run, I enjoyed a raspberry protein shake, and a nap. My knees and left hip feel pretty comfortable, though respectably tired. It feels like a job well-done, and we shall see what next week entails.
Speaking of my hip, I am debating between going to get it checked out, and leaving it be before the big race. This week will be the big decider.
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