It is the Easter long weekend, and I went out for a run today.
I am sad to report that, despite the 6C and relatively dry paths (which is not to say that I didn't splash one foot within 50 metres of my house), the run just sucked. I felt slovenly and lazy and generally like not being out there.
It doesn't help that I finally prodded myself out of the house because I just couldn't bear Ragnar's question of "When are you going for a run?" any longer. There may be some misconception that badgering me to do something is the best way to get me to do it. This misconception could totally be eradicated if I stopped responding to the pestering by doing what he's pestering me about.
But I went out, and for about 25 minutes, I ran and I hated every laggardly step, and I'm so glad that I did it that in the end, it is worth it (which is totally different than it having been worth it, in the past because in the past, it just sucked).
In other news, it is International Tabletop Day, a day to partake in board games, video games, hopscotch games, or whatever strikes your fancy. I've been pondering the dichotomy of being at once athletic (or approaching a similarity thereof) and being a geek. Can these two peacefully co-exist? Of course they can. History can cite many examples: me, my friend who introduced me to Ragnar, Ragnar, Vin Diesel, Geeks in Running Shoes... So I think this concept requires more development.
More to come.
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