Would the weather please take a hint and warm up? It's the end of March, for Pete's sake, and still hovering around 0!
But that didn't stop the dust, no no! Since there is no snow to cover it up, all the dust flies up as cars drive past, clogging in my lungs.
Which are already clogged from some unknown cold or problem. I keep thinking that I should go visit the doctor, but have trouble getting out of bed.
On that account, I'm still running in the afternoons, when it is warmer and sunnier. I'm sure the morning is a great time to run at this time of year, but it's still dark!
I must apologize, I'm tired and feeling a bit sarcastic, and it's only 7:30pm. After doing 4km this afternoon, I am still pooped as heck, but happy that I got it done and over with. Now to get this stupid lung issue solved...
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