It is Easter weekend, a lovely four-day weekend that will undoubtedly leave me on Monday just aching to get back to work and away from the tedium of home. Yeah, you read that right.
However, I capitalized on the FINALLY nice weather yesterday (see last post where I asked for warm... we just got it), and went out for my first run in, according to my running watch, three weeks.
Now a bit of my failure to run is falling off the maintenance plan, and part of it was a bitch of a cold that invaded my sinuses, and a bit of it was the cold in my lungs finally deciding to come out. Yes, the cold I had two weeks prior to my March 12 race decided to go.
I'm not 100% better. I'm still sniffling and coughing a bit but damn I'm tired of waiting for nicer weather and clear lungs to run, so I'll take the nicer weather. I did a 5km route around my block. My left knee was stiff when I started, and then right at the end, my left knee started to go. However, all in all, the nice weather, a good breakfast of pancakes, and only slight muscle stiffness has me rarin' to get back on running track.
That, and realizing there's a marathon at the end of August I'd love to try.
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